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The Executive Committee


About BHEA


BHEA is the Brookings-Harbor Education Association, a public sector Union representing employees of Brookings-Harbor School District 17c in beautiful Brookings, Oregon. We are a member of the Oregon Education Association (OEA), which is part of the National Education Association (NEA).

Statement of Principles

Brookings-Harbor Education Association (BHEA) will build a foundation of trust, honest communication and fair representation by accepting our personal responsibility and exercising our collective voice in pursuit of the following:
• Guiding all students to become productive members of society within rich learning environments.
• Protecting and elevating our craft by ensuring quality working conditions.
• Negotiating a salary and wage related package benefiting our profession.


The following are five current goals of BHEA, copied verbatim from discussions in an OEA Powerful Locals collaborative effort.
1. Maintain, improve and enforce our contract.
2. To educate, personally involve and instill passion in our members.
3. To become equal partners in the decision making process.
4. A trusted experienced voice in public education.
5. Explore and create opportunities to present BHEA to the Community.


The purpose of the BHEA can be found in Article II of our Constitution, copied for your convenience below.


Section 1
To work for the welfare of school children, the advancement of education, and the improvement of instructional opportunities for all.

Section 2
To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel  policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark each profession.

Section 3
To unify and strengthen public schools and to secure and maintain the salaries, retirement, tenure, leaves, (professional, emergency, personal, sick) and other working conditions necessary to support our members.

Section 4
To enable public schools and public school employees and members to speak  with a common voice on matters pertaining to their individual and common  interest before the Board of Education and other pertinent groups.

Brookings Harbor Education Association

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